Return to Work Services

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Return to work management with pre-disability employer

The goal of KM Rehabilitation’s occupational rehabilitation and return to work management for job-attached clients aims to support clients to return to their usual employment with their pre-disability employer in a safe, timely and sustainable manner. We all know that returning to work is good for health and well-being, and should in fact form part of a client’s recovery program, therefore we aim to support clients develop a goal-oriented approach to returning to work as soon as possible after injury or illness. A referral to return to work services for job attached clients is also beneficial when an employer is uncertain as to how to manage a client’s return to work program, or has a view that a client should be 100% fit before they return to work. At KM Rehabilitation we understand the best way to facilitate a return to work is through open and transparent communication and collaboration with all key stakeholders in order to develop a recovery and return to work program that meets the needs of the individual client taking into consideration their medical, functional and psychosocial status in addition to the employer and workplace situation.

What can you expect from a rehabilitation and return to work program with KM Rehabilitation?

  • A full review of the clients medical and functional status
  • Information on the clients self-reported symptoms, level of functioning and general daily activity regime is obtained
  • Psychosocial information including the clients support networks, home circumstance, beliefs in regards to their medical condition and recovery, fear or avoidance behaviours and any secondary gain factors
  • Employer communication including a worksite meeting to review the inherent requirements (physical and / or psychological) of the pre-disability role including the employer’s ability to offer modified or alternative duties to form part of a graduated return to work program
  • Regular communication with key medical treatment providers including medical case conferencing as required
  • The identification of off-site functional improvement or work hardening programs (if needed) in order to build capacity in preparation for a return to work
  • Ongoing regular communication and collaboration with all key stakeholders in order to facilitate the progression of a graduated return to work including the identification and speedy addressing of any barriers to return to work as they arise
  • All rehabilitation interventions recommended as part of this service are tailored, timely and goal oriented with the objective being an early, safe and sustainable return to work.