
Highly skilled occupational rehabilitation professionals providing tailored and sustainable solutions that get results

“Our physical and mental health is generally improved through work – we recover from sickness quicker and are at less risk of long term illness and incapacity. Working, whether paid or unpaid, is good for our health and wellbeing. It contributes to our happiness, helps us to build confidence and self-esteem, and rewards us financially. Because of these benefits, it is important to return to work as soon as possible after an illness or injury.” *

As the Principal Rehabilitation Counsellor at KM Rehabilitation, Kerryn Maxfield is a highly experienced rehabilitation counsellor having worked across a broad range of insurance sectors; currently specialising in the provision of tailored, timely and sustainable solutions to clients in the life insurance sector. Highly experienced in the provision of occupational rehabilitation and injury management services, we aim to empower our clients to be passionate and take charge of their own recovery and return to work journey.


Working with you

Working collaboratively with all stakeholders, KM Rehabilitation listens to the client’s needs, takes into account all relevant medical information, and utilises our detailed knowledge of the current labour market to assist with rehabilitation and career planning. KM Rehabilitation is able to support clients with their recovery and wellness management through our comprehensive knowledge of local treatment options, specialist medical providers and self-help resources. KM Rehabilitation offers a person-centred approach to our provision of occupational rehabilitation assisting our clients to identify recovery and return to work goals and develop action plans to achieve these goals. Our services assist our clients to achieve their optimal level of functioning, return to work and regain their life resulting in reduced claims liability.

* reference: http://fitforwork.org/employee/staying-in-work/benefits-of-working/

Who We Are

At KM Rehabilitation we understand that each client has different and unique needs. We always meet clients and start with a “blank page” in order to ensure our services are tailored to our client’s individual circumstances so that we can achieve positive outcomes for all parties in the claims process. We understand that each policy is unique due to differences in policy definitions and wording, therefore we guarantee to maintain a close working relationship with insurers and claims staff to ensure our services are aligned with their needs at all times.


Our people


Kerryn Maxfield
Principal Rehabilitation Counsellor
Alex Gava
Senior Rehabilitation Counsellor